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Jellyfish Larvae

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:34 pm
by Julian
Swimming off Batteaux Bay I got what felt like an electric shock down my arm, not too painful but certainly surprising, a few minutes later it turned into a rash just like a nettle sting. Wayne, the extremely helpful manager of the local dive centre, said it was caused by jellyfish larvae that sometimes get washed closer to shore and tend to be in clumps. The act of swimming through them can be enough to cause the stinging cells (nematocysts) to fire.

Not more of a concern than a few nettles on a woodland walk, but if you do feel a few tingles when swimming off Tobago then these little critters could be the reason. You can't see these guys in the water so not possible to avoid if they are there. As it says for Jellyfish on MyTobago a dosing of vinegar may sort out any itching or pain.


Re: Jellyfish Larvae

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 12:54 pm
by Chris Runciman
Locally I think they are referred to as 'sea ants' as that is what it is like an irritation. It is not a common occurance seems more talked about than experienced. We have seen it the once when Snorkeling off a boat some way from shore, there was nothing to see which at the time was a little disconcerting! A little further on 20 yards or so there was nothing and back on board the irritation was reduced quite quickly without treatment. Some did rub an anti histamine on it as at the time we were not sure what it was. Had to have a cold beer for shock, purely medicinal of course.....!