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Bluewaters Inn Jetty

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 7:43 pm
by Kevin Hampson
Hi Duane,
How are the jetty repairs coming on. When we were over last October you were not sure when you were going to make a start.

I hope its all finished by October this year I missed my walks out to the end to feed the fish.


Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 4:47 pm
by Penelope Fishuncle
Feeding the fish from the edge of the pier sounds lovely. What do you feed them? Is it bad for them? I know that well meaning people often make trouble for ducks and geese by stuffing them full of white bread. I don't know what fish might like to eat other than algae and bits of other fish. I'd love to discover that fish liked to eat tofu...

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 6:47 pm
by Kevin Hampson
Hi Penelope,
Mostly it was odd bits of bread squeezed so that it sinks but occasionaly I found the odd shell fish that I broke up. It was good fun at night I used to lower my diving torch in to the water and drop bits into the beam, I had quite a few larger fish come in and investigate and you could see them lot better

Never tried tofu, but I have caught mullet in the UK on cheese.

The odd thing we do on holiday.
Sounds like the start of another thread.



Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 6:22 pm
by Duane Kenny
Hey all. The Jetty repairs are currently in progress. We hope to have it finished by the end of the month (May). We had to bring allot of the wood in from Guyana but it's coming along fine. Our last major work from the damage caused from the Storms last year is to put 2 more pumps into our new water treatment system and remove the landlside that fell into batteaux bay. We are in the planning and costing stage and hopefully will have that done in the next few months. Oww we just got a shipment of beach loungers that recline fully. Although sleeping in the sun is sunburn city. See you all soooon!

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 6:52 pm
by Kevin Hampson
Hi Duane,
Great news every thing should be back to normal by October when we are due to arrive.

See Yah.