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Guest Report

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:11 pm
by Vitamaria Moltedo
What pressure choosing a honeymoon destination! One can’t help being worried, as it has to be the best holiday ever. Well, for us it most certainly was! It has been two months since we returned to London, yet almost every day, at least for a moment, we’re back in Castara – the best place in Tobago and most probably in the Caribbean. For just a fraction of a second at some point while we are sitting at our desk, or squeezing through the crowds on the tube, we can feel, see, taste and smell the loveliness of Heavenly Bay: the sound of the sea, the perfume of mangoes, the hummingbirds feeding from the banana flowers less than a yard away from us, the wonderful hot sand, the warm sea water, the view of the bay from the balcony of Rainforest, the hot sauce with the mahi-mahi caught an hour earlier by one of our fishermen friends, the thrill at feeling the bonito biting at the fishing line, the laughter with Porridge, Sherwin and Daniel while sipping a malt on the beach, the exhilaration at seeing every new bay from the boat…
We had such wonderful, exciting and relaxing time, made possible by the beautiful nature, the perfectly designed accommodation and most of all by the great effort, the hard work, the touching kindness and the relentless enthusiasm of Porridge and Jeanelle and of all the other Castara people. They made our holiday truly unforgettable.