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Guest Report

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:53 pm
by Steffi C.
I have travelled quite a bit and I count myself very lucky to have experienced this little piece of paradise. This was our second time being in Castara and specifically at Castara Bliss; last year in Tobago we were 3 and this year, 11! Convincing our friends to join us this year was not at all difficult. And as soon as they arrived, they knew we had chosen well! Imagine waking up (yes, to roosters and dogs, but the gentle fan and ocean breeze will mask these sounds), stepping out on the veranda and seeing a flock of green parrots fly and squawk animatedly across the sky; other birds such as bananaquits, blue-grey tanagers and even motmots are regular visitors. The ocean provides a lovely backdrop to the village, soccer field (who needs the NHL?!) and homes below. It is a mere 2-minute walk to Castara Bay, and the beach is gorgeous. Perfect for swimming, sometimes body-surfing, and tanning (plenty of shade as well!) with a cold beer in hand. Magnificent frigate seabirds, boobies and pelicans rule the sky, while you can catch a glimpse of harmless manta rays cruising in the water or order freshly caught fish of the day! Castara is a lovely, sleepy village (there is an ATM but be prepared to use your visa with the machine) with some amazing restaurants (you will need t&t, perhaps also U.S. dollars). Castara Bliss is a peaceful place, clean, with kitchen amenities. Joshua and the Williams family, including Chino (who runs the great Coffee Shop), are absolutely wonderful hosts. You will not go wrong with Castara and the Castara Bliss apartments! Enjoy!