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Do not use S&N Rentals Tobago!

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 9:06 pm
by Tobago Fan
Post Recreated: Originally posted - 10 December 2002

I hate to complain because commerce in Tobago is almost universally excellent and I can not say enough about the friendly merchants and great service. [Sentence deleted - see note below]. We rented from them for one day and returned the car less than 24 hours later. Not only did we find our car to be in terrible condition (doors did not lock, tail light out, and colorless fluid dripping from the engine) [Sentence deleted - see note below]. They have claimed we rented another day from them and that we damaged the car. No attempt to resolve the issue has been successful. We later rented from both Rollock's 639-0328 and Sherman's 639-2292 and received great (and timely) service for less than it cost to rent from S&N.


This post contained allegations that, if left, leave me (as publisher) in a tricky situation. I have therefore had no choice but to delete the offending allegation pending clarification and confirmation of the case by the author, whose anonymity I will naturally respect should he wish to contact me.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 9:08 pm
by Steve Wooler
Post Recreated: Originally posted - 10 December 2002

Hello Tobago Fan

Can I please ask you to contact me a.s.ap. at [email protected] in the very, very strictest of confidence - or telephone me on 01787-269021 during UK office hours. Your views and opinions are important to us but I must treat an anonymous post with some caution, particularly when it contains such allegations. I guarantee to respect your confidentiality, but regret that I have been forced to censor the post pending verification of the facts.

Car rental problems are possibly the biggest single issue that people write to me about. Strangely, it’s not a subject that has had much exposure in the forum.

Your experiences are, sadly, highly typical. I don’t think the situation is worse on Tobago than anywhere else – I learnt many years ago that it is not worth trying to cut corners and save money on car hire, anywhere in the world. What is worse on Tobago is that so many parts of the island are so remote that breaking down whilst touring has the potential to really ruin a holiday.

I’m currently researching the subject in preparation for a full listing of car rental agencies on Tobago. The more I get into it, the more I realise that it’s a subject that is going to give me some grief. I really have no wish to criticise the smaller, local, rental agencies on Tobago – after all, this whole site is dedicated to promoting the island and particularly local businesses. However, this is one area where the smaller local outfits simply haven’t got the resource to provide – in general – the standards of service that visitors expect and deserve.

Your experience with Rollock’s confirms my research, which puts this firm well up the list as possibly the best truly ‘local’ operator. However, once again I’m going to mention Yes Tourism (http:/ They’re about to launch an exciting upgrade to their existing car rental service making it much easier for visitors to arrange for a car before arrival. Yes Tourism sources vehicles from only the very best local firms (including Rollock’s, I believe). As influential brokers, they monitor service and client satisfaction very closely and have the clout to ensure that the rental agencies give Yes Tourism clients the very best cars and service. You might be able to save a few dollars by using one of the smaller outfits, but you would surely regret it when broken down halfway across the Main Ridge. (Plug over - pity I don’t take a commission).

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 9:09 pm
by Steve Wooler
Post Recreated: Originally posted - 12 December 2002

myTobago is a private non-commercial project. We derive no income from the site, nor any financial support to offset the considerable cost and effort that goes into the project. We express opinion throughout the site – but strive hard to present an honest, unbiased and balanced view. The forum is provided to allow others to express their opinions. Hopefully the disparate views will help, rather than hinder. The praise of good establishments is an important part of this forum. Equally, so is the criticism of those whose service falls short – as long as the author is confident that such bad service was not an isolated incident. It would be wrong to slate any organisation because a member of staff had a “bad day”.

Now, the last thing I wish to do is to stifle criticism– we truly wish to “out” the few bad operators on Tobago. However, please remember that as publishers of this forum, you could be leaving us in a very tricky position if you make libellous or defamatory attacks or statements. If you think that your message crosses that fine line, may I please ask you to contact me first ([email protected]). We can discuss the issues and determine the most appropriate wording to share the information. All emails to me are treated as private and in the strictest confidence and will never appear in the Forum or elsewhere without the author’s specific knowledge and consent.

Please do not hide behind an anonymous name when posting criticism. I naturally treat such posts with suspicion and am therefore much more likely to consider censoring it. I am very conscious of the fact that open forums, such as this, are potentially open to abuse.

Finally, please be aware that every time you access any website, your details are logged on the web server. Court orders would be required to force me, and your own ISP, to release the necessary details that would enable you to be identified, but nonetheless, please do not make the mistake of thinking that you can make allegations that you can necessarily hide behind an anonymous name.

Had the "S&N" message been posted in Trinidad or Tobago, I would have immediately deleted it. My investigations satisfy me that it is a ‘genuine’ post from a visitor to the island. However, it is a pity that I have had to waste time that could have been spent researching additional material for the site in order to investigate the veracity of a post hiding behind an anonymous name – particularly when the post was made by an obviously educated gentleman who, living in the most litigious country in the world, should have realised that making such a post was putting us in a very difficult position and jeopardising the future of this forum.

I have never heard of S&N Car Rentals, so cannot comment on the report. However, if the author is prepared to provide me with full details and evidence of the case, I shall be quite prepared to reinstate the post in its original form.

Sermon over!

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 9:10 pm
by Tobago Fan
Post Recreated: Originally posted - 31 December 2002

My sincere apologies! I just checked back with your forum this afternoon after having been away for the holidays and was sorry to see that you had to post two messages to me. Our experience with S&N Rentals was a poor one but I understand your concern over posts from anonymous contributors which could truly be anyone in the world who holds a grudge, etc. I also understand your concern over potential litigation even with the healthy disclaimer you attach. I will contact you off line as you requested and would be willing to discuss our experiences in Tobago with absolutely anyone at [email protected]. We had an absolutely terrific honeymoon there (with one obvious exception! :) for ten days travelling extensively from Charlotteville to Crown Point ... taking in a soccer match at Dwight Yorke Stadium, dining on fresh fish in Scarborough, exploring the many remnants of cultures that had come and gone before us. It truly is a magical place!