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Guest Report

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 3:04 pm
by Sue Law
First off, I have to say that Sharon is the most accommodating "host" ever. You have no idea how much she helped me on this trip, with my ankle being broken and having to hike up to our room. Having said that, let's get to the "Report":
1. The room is beautiful and roomy - with 2 fans and a lot of space. The kitchen is very well equipped. Ice was left behind and the freezer was awesome. All was extremely clean.
2. The deck area is amazing with views straight across both bays. Had a great time feeding all the birds and geccos and really enjoyed my mornings sitting out there on the deck.
3. My only complaint if you want to call it that was the heat. I couldn't get away from it and could barely sleep. Even with the 2 fans directly on me. This could however, perhaps be because it was very humid that week? And the folks over at the Beachhouse (close to the ground) also said it was very hot for them to sleep (we have stayed there and never found it that hot). So this could have been just the weather that week, and perhaps normally the 2 fans are enough.
Thank you Sharon for all your helpful shopping/running around etc. etc. that you did for us, especially the way you were feeling! it is much appreciated! xo. Sue & Gil.