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Vaccination requirements for children

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 5:38 pm
by Partridge
Hello everyone

We are travelling from the UK with our son (under 12 and unvaccinated) for Easter. We're both fully vaxxed.

It is a little unclear as to what the requirements are for PCR tests for kids in Tobago. Some of the TT government websites say that kids need to be tested 3-5 days into the stay. However, the official TT government tourist website - "visittobago" - does not mention a need for children to undertake a PCR test when they arrive; it just says that as long as the parents are fully vaccinated all that is required is for both kids and parents to be PCR negative within 72 hours of departure from the UK.

Can any one clear up what the requirement is at the moment and how this is working in practice in Tobago?

Many thanks

Re: Vaccination requirements for children

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 12:13 pm
by PaulMakin
As is customary, variable and contadictory information from different sources, including :roll:

visittobago directs further enquiries to the ministries of health and also national security for further information and it seems that the quarantine protocols effective July 2021 are still on the books - the "Quarantine Amendment Act 2021"

hopefully someone with actual experience of what this looks like in practice will be along shortly but i think that you've already found the health ministry's take on things :


The following conditions will be applied:
1. PCR Test 72 hours prior to arrival;
2. Repeat of a PCR test between days 3 to 5;
3. All test results, both positive and negative to be reported to the CMOH and/or CMO.

Re: Vaccination requirements for children

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 10:28 am
by Partridge
"hopefully someone with actual experience of what this looks like in practice will be along shortly but i think that you've already found the health ministry's take on things..."

I wonder if there are any updates? Has anyone had any experience of this in the last few weeks (i.e. those who have travelled to Tobago recently or locals) - do kids still need to be PCR tested in Tobago after arrival, are the rules still in place, is this actually happening and is there any chance that this may change?

We're travelling at Easter and I imagine with Easter Holidays in the UK and elsewhere coming up, lots of parents with kids are likely to be arriving soon.

Re: Vaccination requirements for children

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2022 4:13 pm
by PaulMakin
Further small scale relaxations but no updates on this matter that i can see. Both UK and TnT gv websites still referencing the requirement for a PCR test within 3-5 days of arrival.

The protocols set out within the July 2021 amendments were reiterated in health/travel updates published Nov and Dec of 2021

Re: Vaccination requirements for children

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:12 am
by PaulMakin
checked with a friend who has a young unvaccinated son and he confirms PCR test required - they travel to NY quite often (Mom is CAL crew) so have entered and exited since the pandemic.

Now they live in Lambeau so just went up to the hospital for his test (the Fort, not the new one) - whereabouts are you staying - i'll see what info i can get re. alternatives

Re: Vaccination requirements for children

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 10:47 am
by Partridge
Great, thanks, where staying in Mount Irvine, up the hill behind the golf course towards Bethel.

Re: Vaccination requirements for children

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 11:57 am
by Partridge
I'm hoping common sense may prevail and the requirement to PCR test children 2-3 days after arrival, who would have already been tested before departure anyway, is dropped in time for the influx at Easter.

Re: Vaccination requirements for children

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:25 pm
by PaulMakin
don't know if you have seen this ? :

Re: Vaccination requirements for children

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 11:58 am
by PaulMakin
Testing definitely still available at the airport - it's probably best to pre-book but minimal queues when i passed by yesterday.

Not sure if the easing of the requirement for PCR prior to arrival is going to affect the need for children to take a PCR post-arrival though. reports are a little short on detail but common sense would suggest that a non-vaccinated child can now take an LFT prior to arrival and upload the result to their own Travel Pass and be wholly compliant with conditions of entry ?

All travellers must still obtain the Travel Pass although we're told that this will "soon" be discontinued