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Vaguely Disappointed

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:02 pm
by Anne Parker
At the risk of inflaming all the Toucan fans, we too were vaguely disappointed by the Toucan Inn. It just didn't quite live up to it's reputation, and we were very glad we were not all inclusive.
The general concensus amongst our fellow guests who were AI, was that the food was always cold, the full menu was never available (not one local breakfast for our two week stay, despite repeated requests).
and with the odd exception, was nothing special (the Old Years buffet was very bland, the Xmas dinner was good, although they had run out of turkey). Three prawns does not constitute "overflowing" and on one occasion there were no starters at all because of a staffing shortage?
We think they would be in real trouble if they lost Christine or Troy as they appear to be the ones holding the place togethor, the owner who runs the Toucan does not even acknowledge the guests, although the owner running the Inn on the Bay appeared to be friendly, and did speak to us at the Old Years "do".
We were left with the feeling that the place had great potential that isn't being realised.