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Guest Report

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:32 pm
by Amrica
Grange Inn should be summoned to court for posting fake pics on the site. I stayed here for the Easter Weekend and it was a totally depressing and embarassing experience because of the fact that I booked the placed and my friends wanted to strangle me when we got there.

The inside of the rooms were actually kinda ok, although it smelled funny for the entire weekend. Outside on the hallways were dirty with broken furniture and thick dust piling up. The pool looked like it used to be nice...10 years ago. Around it needed a pressure washer and for gosh sakes...they could have at least discarded all the broken lounge chairs!! The few that were not broken were either thick with moss or slanting so badly that it could break at any point. This place has alot of they actually took care of it!