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Guest Report

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:36 pm
by Rosanna
We rented the blue house in Coral Sea Villas, which was spacious, clean and lovely. No bugs, although the mosquitoes came out at dusk but seemed to disappear later. We sat under the fans under the overhang on the patio and were quite comfortable after dark.

Note that this is not a good house for toddlers. The steep stairs had no bannisters and were completely open on one side. Also, with small kids, ask for a house with French door grills which you can close off without closing up the house to keep small kids out of the pool when unsupervised.

The staff were nice and the island is gorgeous. One problem was that the smells from the water treatment plant were unpleasant at times. The blue house is the second house down from the plant area. I would try to rent further away.
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