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Evening Temps

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:54 am
by Paul&Sarah
We'll be arriving in Tobago on 23rd Dec and a friend of ours told us that the night time temps are low and that we should at least pack a jumper and some jeans for the colder this right ?

Re: Evening Temps

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:12 am
by Steve Wooler
Hi Guys

Yes, the temperatures can drop surprisingly during the night - and hits the lowest around 3-4am, I guess. The evening temperatures are a different thing altogether and I've certainly never needed a sweater or anything during the hours when I've been out and about. It is just those early hours when your metabolism has slowed right down and the body feels the cool more. Its difficult to describe - but don't waste valuable suitcase space for warm clothing.

Have a great trip and tell us all about it when you get back and don't forget to post your votes in all our RSR 'satisfaction' polls.

Re: Evening Temps

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:17 am
by Ronald
I'm here right now, so I can give you some info about temperatures. I'm staying in Bon Accord, not far from Crown Point. Yesterday evening I had some rain, but not much, and the tempe was about +27C after sunset, during the night the temp was +25C as lowest.
It happens that the temp sometimes can be down to +23C during the night, if it had been a very cloudy day with rain, but not every night. But the air is humid of course, after the rain it can be 80-85%, it´s also so that "wet" air often make peoples feel cold.
Myself NEVER use jeans or jeans-short here, it s too heavvy for me. But light long pants or a light jumper or so, that might be a good choise, in case you will feel cold. It all depend on what temperatures you are custom with, and how you react to humid air and, for Tobago, the "cold" temperature in the night.

Re: Evening Temps

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:26 am
by Paul&Sarah
Many thanks for your quick replies.

We'll be staying in Bon Accord too in one of the Coral Sea Villas. Coming with a young family (and bringing Father Christmas's deliveries with us) I was worrying about luggage space so your advice and comments are greatly appreciated. As it's struggling to get above the minus figures here I doubt we'll feel any cold at all but it was worth checking anyway. The only thing now is waiting to get a table booked for Christmas lunch. The laid back "call us the day before approach" is making me a bit nervous but I guess it's just the Tobago way which we're looking forward relaxing in to when we arrive.

I'll be sure to post our experiences on our return. Thanks again.