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Charlotteville for LeneMarie

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:33 am
by Phil Bondie
Hi LeneMarie, I stay in C-ville from Jan. to April. This is some information on places to eat. I have eaten at all these places. Gails has good food and a nice atmosphere She is usually open most nights you will have to ask it's real close to Cholsons. Jabas has good rotis and soup. It is a local liming spot. His fare changes from day to day. Janes Kitchen usually has a bar-b-que on Thursday nights if there are enough tourist in town. Sharons and Phebes has good food and a great view. If there is anything special going on Xmas it will be here. G's or Grays across form Sharons is another local liming spot I love her goat but you have to ask if she will be making it. There is a place across from the gas station up the street that has local breakfasts at like 5 AM. They do a good lunch and used to close just after noon. Back of the grocery store up the street across from the Play-Way a lady named Camilla does really good rotis ask someone how to find her I think she only is open around noon. As far as Dinner on Xmas day if other places are closed talk to Lyda from Lydas Rum shop which is right next to Cholsons. She does meals to order and is one of the best cooks in C-ville. We hang out here alot. The place I eat at most is Kings Bay Cafe. You will have to drive to it. It maybe open on Xmas day. In 3 months I eat here 40 or more times. Say Phil sent you. Eastmans has been closed, I don't think Top River does meals anymore and I think the Beach Bar is closed.

If you have any questions about anything in Tobago ask Curtis at WorkShop Sea Tours across from Sharons. Tell him Phil told you to ask. He does nice tours. It is the internet shop.

Listen to Radio Tambrin (Lyda usually has it on) to find out about any events happening on the island.

As others have said the Northend of the island is really laid back, it's spend the day at the beach and lime.

I will be there on the 29th and look you up. Hope you have a great stay, Phil

Re: Charlotteville for LeneMarie

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:56 am
by Phil Bondie
Here is some additional information.

You can get fresh home made bread from the lady who has a shop right next to Jaba. I think her name is Donna. Lyda sometimes makes bread on Saturday. Janes Kitchen usually makes bread a couple of times a week. And a lady named Cheele in Bottom Bay will make bread to order if she has time. Mike and Joann at Kings Bay Cafe also sometimes has bread. Each one is a little bit different. I get bread from all. You have to ask about times and will be told when to come back and pick up if its not ready when you stop.

Two shops down from Jaba, Mauley does chicken wings in the evening. Not every night mostly on the weekends. You have to ask if she is going to cook or you can tell by the enticing smell when she is.

Mr Porter in a small stand next to WorkShop Sea Tours has local island pizza and fish, vegie and meat pies from around 11AM till he sells out. His wife another good cook makes these fresh everyday.

Sooko from Speyside comes by around 11 AM with fantastic doubles, 3 or 4 tt. He sets up across from the gas station on the beach side of the road. He will also cater a vegie meal for you to be served where you are staying. It is West Indian food and really good. He and his wife make all the food. We usually do this 3 or 4 times with a group of friends.

Meals in C-ville cost between 50 and 70 tt. Shrimp is usually double that. and lobster is more expensive. Make sure to ask for prices so you don't get shocked by the bill.

As of last Sunday the road from C-ville to Bloody Bay was passable but really rough in a couple of spots with drops and slides. Be careful when driving this road. Phil

Re: Charlotteville for LeneMarie

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:49 am
by Phil Bondie
Even more information.

Fresh vegies;

Vegie stands come and go in C-ville. The only permanent stand last year was on the beach side of the road across from Jaba. Vegie trucks came on Thursday and Friday and drove down the beach road usually in the late afternoon. A truck came from Trinidad on Thursday and set up at the bandstand. There is a stand on the Bloody Bay side of Hermitage. Ask someone (Lyda) if Ralph, who is the grower and runs it, is open. I buy alot from Ralph. Last year he would bring a truck in at different times during the week. Again you have to ask. A local man named Abba grows lettuce which you can get if he has some. Very important, close to Xmas and between Xmas and New Years there may not be any fresh vegies in C-ville. I am coming in on the 29th and will stop at some stands on the way up and get enough vegies to last me till after New Years. The prices may be a little higher but at least I will have what I want. I also stock up on supplies, flour, sugar ,salt, oil, goodies etc. on the way up usually at PennySavers. And make sure I have a full tank of gas before I get to C-ville.

There are 2 main grocery stores in C-ville. Bayview is across from the pier and there is one around the corner from the gas station. The stock of goods is iffy especially around the holidays. There is one other store on the road down to the BananaBoat at Bottom Bay. It is small but usually has a pretty good stock. I shop at all these stores. There are also many small shops around the village that stock different items. If you only need small amounts you could probably get them in C-ville. If you don't want to stock up on the way up and you can't get what you need in C-ville you can always drive back to Pablos which just past Roxbough on the way down. If you don't have bug dope be sure get some on the way up. The Pharmacy at the Mall usually always has bug dope, spray. Phil

Re: Charlotteville for LeneMarie

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:21 am
by LeneMarie
Hello Phil! I haven't seen all this you've written here until now ...! Thank you so much for all the information, I am sure it will be helpful for others as well :-) Lucky you - living in beautiful Charlotteville for so many months each year! :-) We loved staying there the two weeks in Dec/Jan and will come back for sure! Then I will NOT dance myself off the jetty! :-) My back was broken but it will most probably be fine in 3 months and I don't need a surgery. Wish you good days & months ahead! Lene, back in (cold) Norway!

Re: Charlotteville for LeneMarie

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:19 am
by Nicola A
Phil - your post has certainly been helpful for me. Particularly; I am so happy to know that Sooko is still coming to C'ville to sell his chickpea doubles. I lived off of those when I last visited almost 10 years ago!!! I spent 2 years, following my stay, trying to replicate his delicious doubles before realising I was attempting the impossible.

I was vegetarian last time I came, and was lucky enough to also enjoy one of his fantastic (and immensely varied) vegetarian dinners, which was a god send having stuck to a lot or rice and pea based dishes previously. Now I am no longer vegetarian, I am looking forward to eating a lot of fish, but will certainly also be keeping an eye out for Sooko to buy both his doubles and vege dinners!!! Amazing taste and value for money.