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Fishing the lowlands?

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:11 am
by Sterling
is the surf fishing in the lowlands any good? im going right were that x is on the map...Image

Also, any info on a reasonably priced deep sea charter? all the ones i found online were in the 700USD range..

Re: Fishing the lowlands?

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 12:11 pm
by Steve Pitts
Hi Sterling

The surf where you are staying is pretty constant due to the prevailing winds, however, it is what I call a 'short' surf.
That's to say that the waves are not high (maybe 2 to 3 feet) and the distance between each set of waves is quite narrow. This is likely to be due to the water out several hundred feet from the shore is relatively shallow and by the time the waves arrive at the shore they have lost much of their power.

If you look at photos 20, 21 and 22 here - you'll get a good idea of the typical surf conditions

The bottom here is rocky and made mostly from coral, so a tackle graveyard if you're planning on fishing on the bottom.
Floatfishing or fishing lures is a less risky strategy.

Further to the West, towards Lambeau, the sea bed is sandy, but even shallower and can suffer from lots of suspended weed in the water.

The beach at Sand Point has good surf plenty of the time, but the sea bed is also very tough on tackle, being made up of coral slabs and ledges. Lure fishing is good here for tarpon, jacks and occational snook.

A less tackle-hungry section of surf beach is along at Grange beach, where jacks and tarpon are the most likely species during the day and moray, tarpon and small sharks at night.

Hope this info. helps


Re: Fishing the lowlands?

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:04 pm
by Sterling
Thanks for the info! I intend on fishing the bottom. what do the locals fish tend to go after? shrimp, fish, squid?

Re: Fishing the lowlands?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:53 am
by Steve Pitts
Sterling wrote:Thanks for the info! I intend on fishing the bottom. what do the locals fish tend to go after? shrimp, fish, squid?

Local fish will take almost anything that you find in the frozen fish section at Pennysavers, but squid is not as expensive as shrimp and stays on the hook longer.

Re: Fishing the lowlands?

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:27 am
by Sterling
Thanks Steve, do you have any experience with that area?
also, any info on a charter?

Re: Fishing the lowlands?

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:41 am
by Steve Pitts
Hi Sterling

I mostly fish the Lowlands area, from Plymouth around to Labeau, whenever we are on the island.
I fish lures almost exclusively, so am no expert on the surf / bait fishing.

There are lots of threads in this section covering the various venues, so you have plenty of research material if you want to go back and read up.

If I was to pick a charter it would be Grand Slam charters (contact Kester Herbert) or Hard Play (contact Frothy de Silva).
Both run out of Pigeon Point and you'll find other info. on charters here -


Re: Fishing the lowlands?

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:42 am
by Sterling
Leaving in just a couple days, looking for some last minute words... i have two open cast reels with 20 pound test and a couple wire leaders. i plan on fishing the bottom a bit and also fishing the top with a float. but not sure what size hooks as i really dont know the size of the fish that im going to find right off the shore. i also am bringing a couple of spoons and a few plugs, but ive never had much luck with either....

Re: Fishing the lowlands?

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:56 am
by Sterling
Sorry for the late response.....Fishing lowland plantation is not a good idea! the water is way to rough and to shallow...hooked up on one eel..5 days of fishing and caught nothing....

fished of pigeon point. there was a massive school of something silver with black tip dorsal luck..
fished a beach around the mount irvin area, cant remember the name of it, but its right off of buccoo rd and there is a concrete barrier that runs parallel with the road.... i followed a school of the same fish i saw at pigeon point up and down the bay... i only had a silver spoon with me, and i only got one hit but he didnt take it... i also tried fishing the bottom and all i caught was a crab...

went coastal fishing with a guy that calls himself "Dawg" met him outside of pigeon point. took us out in his pirogue for 1000TT.... Caught 2 bonitos as soon as we got out on the water... i saw a mahi jump behind us,but that was it....

the fishing was horrible... but it was a good trip overall.

Re: Fishing the lowlands?

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:27 am
by Robert T
Hi Sterling,

THe silver fish you were chasing must've been tarpon. This time of the year they are around in large numbers. I guess it could've been easier the get them on the hook with live baits.


Re: Fishing the lowlands?

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:51 pm
by Sterling
Would they have been interested in other types of lures?
I had no idea where to get live bait.

Re: Fishing the lowlands?

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:57 pm
by Robert T
To be honest I never hooked or caught a tarpon on lures ( 3 visits up to this day), I had them all on dead or live baits. Though Steve Pitts and his friends tamed quite a few with lures so a selection of different ones very likely could've induced a strike. I'll see it for myself in October. Hoping for the best.


Re: Fishing the lowlands?

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:08 pm
by Ben Meadows
Had the same experience when we were in Tobago at the end of July. Threw Poppers, Plugs, Divers, Spoons, and Swimbaits but nothing would bite.
Turns out, they're feeding on schools of small "fry" which barely are over 5cm. When I starting throwing small bonefish flies, even the big fish would INHALE them.

If you're stuck using a spinning rod, I'd recommend using a rig I learned up in Montana. Thread your line through a float (preferably a clear plastic one) and then tie on a 1-2meter piece of 60-100 pound mono/flouro. Then tie that leader to a #2-#4 bonefish fly, preferably with white and green (a #2 chart/white clouser minnow with beadchain eyes was absolute money the last couple of days) ...the float allows you to cast the minute fly a mile, without disturbing its action. Also the float adds a little surface attraction that I'm sure the tarpon wont mind.

Hope that gets 'em!


Re: Fishing the lowlands?

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 5:18 pm
by Christine Nelson
I am usually in Tobago Dec to May.
I have 3 rods in Tobago which I have brought from UK couldnt tell u which sort they r LOL as I only fish for supper and fun.I use flying fish for bait,have tried fishing all over Tobago some days i go back to the same place and catch nothing other days I can catch a few red snapper and others big and small which i cant remeber names of even caught a puffer fish and small turtle which I put back and a sea snake UGH. Have found best places Buccoo jetty at night , Grafton rocks day time, Palatuvier jetty day time, Sandy Point Beach Club jetty day time.If I go deep Sea fishing I usually go out with freind Shabba at Buccoo who has a small fishing boat.
I usually go fishing with my boyfreind if any one is out there Dec to May and wants a freind to fish with feel free to get in touch.

Regards Christine.

Re: Fishing the lowlands?

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:40 am
by Ash_and_Jess
Hello Christine

Will you be out in tobago this december/january?

Many thanks, ashley.