Impending visit to Le Grand Courlan

70 room 4* All-Inclusive resort at Stonehaven Bay (listing)
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Helen Colyer

Impending visit to Le Grand Courlan

Post by Helen Colyer »

My husband and myself are off to Tobago on November 10th to the Grand Courlan. :D This will be our first visit to Tobago and am getting very excited now but my husband won't let me get my suitcase out till the 5th :cry:
Just wanted to ask a quick question - I am never quite sure whether you should leave the maid a small tip every day or just one at the end of the stay - is there any particular etiquette on this. Also is it better to tip in TTD or USD?
Congratulations on this website - have been reading it every week for the last 6 weeks now.
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Steve Wooler
myTobago Editor & Chief Anorak
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Post by Steve Wooler »

Hi Helen

Welcome aboard! :lol:

It is FAR better (I will refrain from further comment) to hand the maid a discrete gratuity at the end of the stay and in TT$. American dollars may be commonly used, but the maid will still suffer the same exchange rates as you would and so will get less value.
Steve Wooler - the definitive Visitor Guide to Tobago
Helen Colyer

Post by Helen Colyer »

Hello Steve,

Thank you for your reply. Am glad to said that as that is what we usually do when we go anywhere on holiday but some people seem to have different opinions depending where you are. Am intending to take only TTD and sterling - I believe from what I have read here - that that is the best thing to to. Am a I right that there is a ATM machine about 10 minutes from Le Grand Courlan?
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Steve Wooler
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Post by Steve Wooler »

The ATM is less than a 5-minute walk from the LGC - just turn right out of the main gate and walk to the first group of buildings on the far side of the road. The ATM is in the wall, to the immediate right of Pizza Boys.

Tipping is always a sensitive issue and particularly so in Tobago, given Tobagonian pride. I was talking about this subject with a Tobagonian of senior years earlier this year. He totally agreed with my sentiments, but urged me to encourage visitors to reward good service from lower-paid hospitality workers, like maids and waitresses, etc. However, as this well-respected guy said to me, the visitor's handling of the situation will determine whether they experience the real Tobagonian or just buy the smiles and service while they pee in your water bowl. He was exaggerating of course, but I know exactly what he means. Reward good service, but don't attempt to buy it or you will be treated with contempt, if only behind your back.
Steve Wooler - the definitive Visitor Guide to Tobago
Helen Colyer

Post by Helen Colyer »

Hello Steve,

Thank you very much for the information. I agree with what you say as we saw that situation happen quite a few times in St. Kitts last year.
Will have to sign off now as am supposed to be working but mind keeps wandering and counting off the days until we go.

Thanks again for your help.
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