Calling all vegetarians!

Your questions and comment on restaurants and dining out
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Marc Jones

Calling all vegetarians!

Post by Marc Jones »

Any must visit restaurants?

I'll have no language barrier this time (terrible time in Athens asking for no meat or fish!) but wondered how many local dishes Tobago has minus the meat and fish.

I don't of course expect a great range of food, but then I don't get that in the UK either ;-)

Any tips most welcome, even if they are "go to the supermarket" :-)
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Steve Wooler
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Post by Steve Wooler »

Hi Marc

I've heard some pretty good reports of the new Vege Delight restaurant in the RBTT Compound (next to the Clothes Wash Cafe, opposite the Pelican Reef and near the Coco Reef Resort).
Steve Wooler - the definitive Visitor Guide to Tobago
Marc Jones

Post by Marc Jones »

Thanks Steve. That'll be getting an early doors visit in case I get thrust into a world of pork and swordfish elsewhere ;-)
Charlie Abbott

Post by Charlie Abbott »

My boyfriend ad i are going to tobago for our honeymoon in August, hes a vegan and im a veggie we would both appriciate any suggestions of where is good to eat. We like all types of food and will try anything as long as it dont contain any animals.
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Post by Ulrich »

Hi Veggies,

make a reservation at "Kariwak Village Hotel" (Crown Point, 639-8442) and
ask for a vegetarian meal. You will certainly be satisfied.


Marc Jones

Post by Marc Jones »

Hi Charlie,

my girlfriend and 8 year old son are veggies and I'm a lapsed vegan (ie I eat eggs and the odd bit of cheese when I get stuck!).

We go May 17th.

I promise to let you know how we got on before you go.


Post by Beverley »

I have just returned from a great week in Tobago and found no problems being a veggie at all. We stayed at the Toucan Inn and ate their twice. The veggie option was delicious even though it was the same two nights running...
We went to Kariwak for the buffet and they also provided an extra veggie dish for me and I can honestly say that it was the best meal I have had when eating out ever!
We also tried Panache, the food was excellent although the service wasn't so good the second time - I think because we were a large group and that worried them.
We also went to Pepe's and they were very obliging.
Lunch was a bit trickier because at first everything seemed to be fish at the beach but then we tried the veggie plate which is lovely too. Get used to callaloo though!
But most of the time you'll be fine unless you eat at the same place every time, as I think most places only have one or two options, but even two options is better than I'm used to!
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