Thanks again!

38 room 3* beachside hotel in Batteaux Bay at Speyside (listing)
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Annabelle Oconnell

Thanks again!

Post by Annabelle Oconnell »

Hi there 8)

We just got back from a week in Tobago (man, those post-holiday blues are tough to ignore!) staying in Blue Waters. We didn't get to see Duane as he was in the UK during that week, but we had such a WONDERFUL time. Again (we stayed there last year).

Highlight of the week for me: kayaking in the bay, drifting peacefully for a moment and soaking in the surroundings, as i was doing so a turtle swam up to the kayak before popping its head above water (as if to say hello!) then slowly swimming away.... :) :) :)

Next best thing: drift snorkeling trip with Frank in front of Little Tobago. Gorgeous - so much to see (and another turtle)...

As always the staff were lovely, the smoothies and rum cocktails were top. And oh it hurts to look back as I am sat in my City of London office...
Still, we are so lucky to live such things, and know such places at all.

Cheers Blue Waters - i know we will be back :D
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Kevin Hampson
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Post by Kevin Hampson »

Hi Annabelle,
BWI is a very special place we are off next month for the 3rd time in 3 years.

Being back at work is a pain, but just keep telling yourself that every day is a day nearer the next time your off to Tobago.

I suspect we may not see Duane too as he usualy comes over to the UK for the dive show in Brum.

Just counting the days (33)

Annabelle Oconnell

Post by Annabelle Oconnell »

Hi Kevin,

Seems so long ago since we were there - but the memories live on... Thanks for your words of encouragement!

32 days now for you... Have a superb time (need I say it?)!! Say hello to just about everything and everyone over there for me :D
James Manning

Blue Waters Inn

Post by James Manning »

Hi there,

I'm in the process of planning my surprise honeymoon for my wedding and I've read various different reports about blue waters inn. Some good, some bad. Tobago seems to be a fantastic place but i'm just unsure as to whose report to trust.

If any one has been recently it would be really helpful to know whether blue water inn is is a good place to go to? What are the staff like? would it be a good place for honeymoon?


James Manning
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Steve Wooler
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Post by Steve Wooler »

Hi James

Which reports do you trust? Well, you trust them all. :wink:

Sorry, I don't mean to be unhelpful, but the bottom line is that 99% of those reports probably express genuine sentiment.

There's not a hotel or restaurant in the world that is right for EVERYONE. So, whether you like and appreciate the Blue Waters Inn (or anywhere else, on or off Tobago) is entirely down to YOU. Like anywhere, the vast majority of people who leave dissatisfied have not done their homework. They have gone somewhere not best suited to their tastes and preferences - or with over-blown expectations.

The tricky bit for you is to work your way through this minefield of reports and find those from people most like yourself. Start off with our review, because they are written as objectively as possible, in recognition of our readers vastly different tastes and preferences. That's why our reviews never compare establishments - we simply report the facts as we see them. Then study the posts in the forum. Where you find extreme views, for or against the hotel, click on the poster's Profile button at the bottom of the post and see how many posts they've written. I'm always a trifle suspicious of people who make a single post. The best and most meaningful posts are those written by people who started by asking questions before their holiday. They are obviously doing proper research. Click on the Profile link "Find all posts by ...." to examine their other reports. They can tell you an awful lot about the poster, their tastes and expectations. Do their reports seem to be from someone who generally had a bad holiday and is criticising everything - or are they giving over-the-top praise for everything and everyone they came into contact with.

Focus on the features that are most important to you.

I can only tell you that Jill and I consider Batteaux Bay to be one of the most romantic spots on Tobago. Yes, the BWI is a little rough around the edges but having stayed in every good hotel on Tobago I can tell you that I would be more than happy to spend a couple of months at the BWI. We never visit Tobago without calling in there - and thats more than can be said for an awful lot of other, very good, places. The truth is that nowhere's perfect and if you anywhere with grossly inflated expectations, you can only be dissapointed. Simply accept that Tobago is an under-developed destination (and long may it remain so) and a little rough around the edges. That is its very charm. You must decide whether you want a man-made beach that is swept two times a day and every falling leaf removed, or whether you want REAL life on a tropical island.

Don't worry - I'm sure you will have a wonderful honeymoon. Good luck!
Steve Wooler - the definitive Visitor Guide to Tobago
V Fabry

I loved it completly

Post by V Fabry »

what also very important is that you have at least some sense of humor . If you can look around without having an opinon about how things should be done you can and will have a wonderfull time there. When you start with great expectations you could be disapointed.
Give yourself the chance to experience Tobago and the BWI and you will never be the same...
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Steve Wooler
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Post by Steve Wooler »

Hi V

So true! But, we should stress that this applies to ALL of Tobago, not just the BWI. Frankly, if you don't have a sense of humour, you'll probably end up totally stressed out before you've even got out of the airport on your first day.
Steve Wooler - the definitive Visitor Guide to Tobago
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Gisela Grell
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Post by Gisela Grell »

Hi V and Steve,

you are so right. I know Togabo now for years and feel absolutely relaxed, when I'm there but last time I took some friends with me. The girl always compares everything with Germany and I talked to here many times about the difference. Tobagoians have a different sense of making money or working.
To say it in one sentence: Go with the flow.

I will b back again and again and already longing for my next trip though I just arrived home one week before.

a.k.a. Shorty
see some pics on
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