
Your questions on medical and security issues
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Keith Franklin


Post by Keith Franklin »

We have just returned from Tobago and spent 3 weeks at Mt. Irvine Bay Hotel. We arrived just after the incident which occured during bthe pro-am but we did not encounter any problems either at MT. Irvine or whilst walking from the hotel (in daytime) to Bucco and Fort Bennet.

This is our seventh visit to Tobago and we have never felt threatened but obviously you should take sensible precautions.

P.S. Whilst on our walk to Bucco I think I spotted Steve Wooler and his good lady driving into a property close to the golf course - if it was not you Steve you have a double.
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Steve Wooler
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Post by Steve Wooler »

Hi Keith

And you didn't say 'Hello' - shame on you! :cry:

Yes, up until two days ago we spent five days staying at the only property with direct access onto beautiful Grange beach, so you could well have seen us stopping to open the gates, adjacent to the Shirvan Road and directly opposite the course.

May I also say that we dispensed with the 24-hour security that is normally provided with the property. Despite my concerns about the rising crime, here and at home, I am still quite prepared to put my money where my mouth is. Believe you me, I would never risk the safety of my lovely wife Jill if I felt that there were genuine grounds for concern and that the 'normal' security measures of the property were inadequate.
Steve Wooler - the definitive Visitor Guide to Tobago
Mark Palmer

Post by Mark Palmer »

It's all gone very quiet on the safety issues after the recent incidents. Has anyone got any up to date news from the island? We're off on the 6th April for our 7th stay in a relatively isolated, older villa at Mount Pleasant which has no security measures to speak of and we've have never had any problems or felt in the slightest bit threatend. Just wondering if the police are anywhere to be seen and I believe 30 troops are being sent over from Trinidad to help with the 'situation'. Anyone know about this?
Any info appreciated! Under three weeks and counting!
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Post by Ronald »

According to the paper for last week, 30 soldiers are sent across from Trinidad to co-operate with the police. But so fare there´s nothing in the paper that they really did arrive as expected.
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Steve Wooler
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Post by Steve Wooler »

Hi Ronald

30 was only the first batch. See my post - EDITOR'S REPORT: 2006 Tour of Tobago for my own view of the current situation.
Last edited by Steve Wooler on Sat May 27, 2006 3:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Steve Wooler - the definitive Visitor Guide to Tobago

Post by Jan »

Since we are still in Tobago the impression are still fresh. We have been in Castara for almost 3 weeks now and never telt unsafe at all. The only uncomfortable moment we had on a day out in Charlotteville when some local fishermen argued loud and called us " tourists". But everyone else was friendly there. In the evening when we reached home we were happy to be back in cosy Castara. :wink:
But overall we felt safe everywhere.
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