Tobago Rainforest

Questions and comments about birding and rainforest tours
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Lesley, UK

Tobago Rainforest

Post by Lesley, UK »

Post Recreated: Originally posted - 21 October 2002

Heres a stupid question for you all, I am hoping to take a guided trip into the rainforest next month, do they provide boots or are trainers and long trtousers sufficient for such a trip??? Dont laugh, Kind Regards..lesley
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Steve Wooler
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Post by Steve Wooler »

Post Recreated: Originally posted - 21 October 2002

Hi Lesley. It's not a silly question at all - actually a very sensible one. No, I don't think any tour guides will provide trousers/boots (and if they did, I for one wouldn't be over happy about wearing them). No long trousers and trainers should be fine - but do take a spare pair of trainers because if they do get wet crossing streams, etc., you don't want to be dragging around all day with wet shoes rubbing against your skin. Also, make sure you take and use lots of insect repellent on both your skin and clothes. A rain forest tour can be one of the wonders of a visit to Tobago, if you go properly prepared and use a good tour guide. I know I've been plugging them a lot lately, but I've heard nothing but good reports about Yes Tourism who are based on the approach to Pigeon Point (Tel: 631-0286). Have a great trip and let us know how you get on.
Steve Wooler - the definitive Visitor Guide to Tobago
Tanja Mohammed

Post by Tanja Mohammed »

Post Recreated: Originally posted - 21 October 2002

Hi Lesley first of all, there are no stupid questions. During the dry season sneakers and long pants are sufficient. Please bear in mind that it is rainy season until the end of November so boots and long pants would be the better choice. However, you can rent boots for a small fee directly around the entrance of the Gilpin Trail. Don't forget the insect repellent for the rainforest trip and a shirt to change. Have a safe trip to Tobago. Regards
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Steve Wooler
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Post by Steve Wooler »

Post Recreated: Originally posted - 21 October 2002

That was a total coincidence - I promise. Thanks for contributing to the forum, Tanja. Your post crossed with mine - they appear to have hit the server less than one minute apart. I hope I didn't embarrass you by recommending your firm. Keep up the good work - I hear you really do a top job.
Steve Wooler - the definitive Visitor Guide to Tobago
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