Corona virus

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Corona virus

Post by Misyoke »

We are due to visit Tobago for the first time in a couple of days time. The flight from the UK lands on Monday 16 March.
We have seen some Facebook posts saying that visitors from UK and Europe should not be allowed in and are rather concerned about the welcome that we might receive - assuming that the flight still goes ahead and that Tobago hasn’t closed its airport.
We are responsible people and are taking all the recommended precautions. Of course we very much want to visit but not at this time if it causes problems.
We are really on the fence with this one and would very much appreciate anybody’s view on this and whether with their knowledge of the island, they feel we should come.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by Hugh S »

We are very concerned too. Wondering every day if our flight from Miami (in two weeks) will be cancelled or other restrictions put in place.

The goat racing at Buccoo has been cancelled and other events are sure to follow.

All we can do is not panic and hope for the best.

Stay well 8)

PS. Viewing scenes of Tobago has proven to be therapeutic in times of crisis :wink: : ... 2851139907
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Re: Corona virus

Post by Steve Wooler »

Hello Misyoke

Welcome aboard the forum! :D

Those Facebook comments say more about Facebook than about the situation here on the ground in Tobago.

We have been in Tobago for the past month. The people talking the most about the virus are the visitors, not the locals. We have been self-catering, so out and about a lot shopping and generally getting about. Due to my work on this site, clearly I know and talk to a very large number of residents, both local and foreign. I can categorically tell you that absolutely NOBODY has given me the slightest hint or sense of feeling that visitors are not welcome nor should be visiting Tobago whilst this pandemic persists.

Clearly, there will/may be issues of countries banning foreign travel in attempts to stop the spread of the virus. That is something none of us can predict or do anything about and perhaps it might be a good thing if they do take things seriously enough and attempt to stop the spread. However, you can certainly forget about local response being an issue here.

With just two weeks left of our current trip, I confess that we are seriously considering extending our time out here, rather than returning to the UK.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by Hugh S »

I can imagine that the current situation could cause local business people to be especially welcoming to visitors now.
Times are tough all over.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by Steve Wooler »

Hi Hugh

Yes, that is very much the case. The bottom line is that with no cases in the southern Caribbean (yet), it is not the overwhelming topic of conversation that it is elsewhere. As I said, the only people talking a lot about it are the visitors worried about family at home or whether their home country might close the gate to incoming flights, so to speak.

The silly thing is that foreigners are a minority in terms of incoming overseas flights. The vast majority of passengers on overseas flights arriving are locals (mainly Trini) coming home on visits or to visit family and friends. This was also very obvious yesterday when I went to the UTC bank to change a wad of old paper-based $100 notes. As you know, the Central Bank is now only changing the old notes for people who were out of the country and couldn't change them to the new polymer-based notes by 31st December. I got there at 9am, when the bank opened, but there were already some 30 people waiting. Every single one a local. I was there an hour and during that time, another 30-40 people showed up. I counted a total of 12 white faces. So, not allowing foreigners in would be highly unlikely to stop the spread of anything.

Happy times. At least there's no shortage of toilet paper here. I spoke to my 97-year old mother, back in the UK, this morning and she said their local mega-store had been sold out of toilet paper for the last 2 weeks. What a joke! :)
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Re: Corona virus

Post by Robert T »

There are two confirmed cases in T&T so things might change. Im on the island as well at the moment. One thing to note, they are checking everyones temperature right before passport control.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by GillianM »

Well in the subsequent last few days thongs have certainly changed here! No hand sanitiser in any shops and many many cancelled bookings for hotels and guesthouses.
I was due to fly home today with BA(have been here several weeks) but on the advice of some family members it was suggested I stay here and I have re booked my flight to 26th April. However several other friends at home think I should have got on the flight as there is talk of grounding all BA/Virgin flights in April. The conflicting advice is making me very anxious indeed.
Will I be able to get home if I need to? What are your thoughts?
Really worried.

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Re: Corona virus

Post by Steve Wooler »

HI Gillian

Yes, amazing how much of a change can take place in a few days, isn't it.

It would appear that there is a huge amount of 'fake news' doing the rounds on Facebook. Given that nobody with half a brain trusts a single word that comes out of any politicians mouth in T&T (not far removed from home), people seem to be jumping on the FB perspective. I guess the truth is somewhere in the middle.

As far as we can tell, there are 4 confirmed cases of the virus in Trinidad - but none in Tobago and, thank heavens, no deaths in T&T yet. There are rumours of flight restrictions, but both Virgin and BA are flying as normal currently. Basically, it is anybody's guess as to what will happen - or what the best course of action should be. There's no ''right' way of dealing with this.

A lot will depend upon your personal/domestic arrangements, and where you are staying. If you are staying somewhere away from other people and can live as basically as possible, without having to go shopping and mixing with other people, then my guess is that you would be better off staying. Just the luck of the draw, I suppose.
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Re: Corona virus Government latest

Post by Chris Runciman »

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Re: Corona virus

Post by GillianM »

This is the FCO travel advice for Trinidad and Tobago....

'We strongly urge non-resident British nationals in Trinidad and Tobago to make alternative travel arrangements with their airlines to leave urgently to avoid difficulties they will face if travel out of the country and the region is further restricted and they are unable to get home.'

So this means leaving a country with no Coronavirus and going back to one which is experiencing rapidly increasing cases. I have been here 7 weeks so don't pose a threat but guess I had better go?
So conflicted.

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Re: Corona virus

Post by Steve Wooler »

Hi Gillian

Yes, its a mess and we could argue the pros and cons for ever, but at the end of the day I guess that its entirely down to personal circumstances.

With effect from today, non-nationals will not be allowed entry to T&T for 14 days, as the islands enter a period of self-isolation. Various other restrictions have been imposed in attempts to stop the spread of the disease. As yet, I am unaware of any cases of Coronavirus on Tobago. However, unless they stop the Trinidad-Tobago airbridge and ferries, it is only a matter of time I suppose.

We were due to fly home on 30th March. Yesterday, we made the decision to return home early and moved our flight a week forward to next Monday, 23rd March. To be totally honest, I would have preferred to extend our stay and see it out over here. Frankly, I feel safer here, particularly more 'up-country' away from the busy southwest of the island. However, we have a dog and two mothers in their mid-90s to think about back home. Our biggest concern was that the UK could close the borders and not allow people back in and/or that BA and Virgin might stop flights to Tobago meaning that we couldn't get back home. Difficult decision! However, IF it were not for our beloved dog and mothers, we would undoubtedly have felt better seeing the next few months out here in Tobago.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by SueShard »

Totally understand you coming back Steve. We visit Tobago 3 times a year, fairly short visits due to my 87 year old Mum. It’s our second home and would stay longer if we could. It’s not good here back in the UK but family need us, we have a flight booked in April but obviously won’t be going. We will rebook as soon as things become more stable over here.
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Re: Corona virus

Post by Steve Wooler »

Just got back from doing our weekly grocery shopping. Couldn't leave Tobago without the delight of a final trip to Pennysavers. Sadly, we totally failed in our weekly challenge of seeing if we could crack a smile from the checkout girl. Still we've had a 50% success rate this trip, so things are improving.

Anyway, just wanted to reaffirm my earlier comments that there are no shortages of toilet paper here. Mind you, we did see several customers with trolleys laden with toilet rolls - one big trolley at checkout must have had 100 rolls. Pennysavers had two lads constantly bringing out forklift pallets full of new stock. Pity British supermarkets can't operate the same way. Never thought I would say that. Also never thought that I would be coming home with toilet paper replacing the space in our suitcases freed of sun cream and deterrents etc.

Funny old days! :-k
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Re: Corona virus

Post by GillianM »

Also made the decision to return on Monday.
See you on the flight!

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Re: Corona virus

Post by PaulMakin »

i saw those very trolleys as well steve- didnt see you (i dont think) but did see a lady in a yellow dress who looked somewhat familiar from pics on here ?

i was due out end april but have brought forward to the 6th. as i write this, BA are showing incoming and outgoing up to and including 27 march (can only check 10 days in advance so watching and waiting).

like you, i would have preferred to sit it out here but i too have to consider family in the uk etc. and, not sure how legal i would remain if i had to stay for several months - must check that later !!!

the kicker for me will be what the airlines and the uk airport authorities change in the next few days.

i was at a meeting involving THA yesterday and its gloomy. focus is on financing the tourism sector during the period and what to do with stranded guests, should that happen. i heard this morning (maybe exaggerated but..) that a number of places, including some pretty well known names) are closing down imminently.

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Re: Corona virus

Post by Steve Wooler »

Hi Paul

That sounds like my Jill - with me lurking somewhere in the background, looking bored no doubt (at least that's what Jill is always telling me, and simply won't accept after 35 years of marriage that it's not boredom, its simply my naturally expression). Yes, it is such a dilemma. To be honest, I saw no shortages of stock here - but its a very different story at home apparently. We certainly had major grief yesterday trying to book our normal weekly home delivery with Waitrose. We've managed to swing dates, but their local delivery service is effectively fully booked through to mid-June, which is only as far as their booking calendar goes. What a joke it all is!

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Re: Corona virus

Post by PaulMakin »

and another update from me.

checked BA and all flights after Monday are now showing red/cancelled. Looks like i'll be seeing you all on that flight - just got my confirmation of flight change. cant check virgin currently.

and, it appears that i wouldn't have been legal had i elected to stay - WP expires mid may.

may consider taking a tin or two of matouk's beans with me !

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Re: Corona virus

Post by Steve Wooler »

Where did you see that info on cancelled flights, Paul. I just logged into my BA account and its still offering me TAB-LGW flights on Fridays and Mondays up to 3rd April, then on their usual Friday-only summer schedule thereafter.

Incidentally, the canary said that her dress was light lime-green, not yellow. :)
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Re: Corona virus

Post by PaulMakin »

if you go to BA manage my booking the information is out of date. you need to use ba flight check status page to see whats really going on. Eg, my flights in april were showing as available on "my booking" but clearly showing cancelled on the status page (in very red text !!).

Nah - yellow - i havent seen limes that color ( not healthy ones anyways)

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Re: Corona virus

Post by PaulMakin »

as an example; the wife of an acquaintance staying at a hotel in which we maintain a presence asked me about flights (a british couple, long time visitors). she had her tablet logged onto BA and showing availability for their return flights on the 27th. i logged into BA flight status on my cell and the same flight clearly states "cancelled".

BA have been pretty shabby about this. i know that the situation is fluid but they still havent notified me that my april flight is cancelled and when we tried to change her flights they wanted another £3k +!! and this for frequent, club class, flyers

i paid £150 and that was for an upgrade to premium from basic. she and i are now spending our time refreshing her web pages as i suspect that when her "Manage my Booking" updates she will be allowed a FOC change.

Looks like Virgin have just "left the building" - my verandah overlooks the runway

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