Rainforest attire

Questions and comments about birding and rainforest tours
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Dave Guest

Rainforest attire

Post by Dave Guest »

Hello folks,

I can imagine you rolling around laughing at this question but we're undecided on what is best to wear for a trip to the rainforest.

I was going to wear shorts&shirt with lightweight hiking boots but my wife-to-be thinks long trousers will be better to keep the creepy-crawlies off our legs.

What do you all suggest? Are long trousers going to be too hot in there or will they really help keep the mozzies and anything else off our skin :?:

Many thanks,
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Steve Wooler
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Post by Steve Wooler »

Hi Dave

The main trails are kept well cleared simply by the number of people walking them, so its not the problem it could be. Yes, the sensible advice would be to cover up arms and legs, but in the real world you will find plenty of visitors walking the trail in shorts, etc.

A lot will depend upon how "sensitive" you are to bites. Some people are obviously affected far worse than others. A really, really strong dose of anti-bug treatment is highly recommended. If I'm in that sort of terrain, I personally prefer long trousers, although I stick with short-sleeved shirts.
Steve Wooler
myTobago.info - the definitive Visitor Guide to Tobago
Dave Guest

Post by Dave Guest »

Thanks for the speedy reply Steve.

I don't think either of us are overly sensitive to insect bites, we seemed to be the only 2 people in Zakynthos, Greece last year not covered in red welts after a couple of days :) It pays to play on the side of caution though so I'll dig out the long trousers and tell Diane to pack hers too.

Do you carry something to swipe away the mozzies or do they stay away if you're covered in enough insect repellent?
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Steve Pitts
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long or short ?

Post by Steve Pitts »

Hi Dave

This might sound blindingly obvious, but why not invest in a pair of zip-off 'tropics' trousers, available from most outdoor' retailers.
They convert from trousers to shorts, at the flick of the wrist.

They are absolutely brilliant for a holiday in Tobago.

I wear mine (with trouser legs zipped on) on the flight over and as soon as we touch down - off they come (the zip-off legs) to reveal my pale and skinny legs. Much cooler, whilst waiting in the imigration queue.
Mind you - I'm not known for being a fashion guru.

They can then be worn to the beach, bars, restuarants etc. either as shorts or as trousers and I often shove the lower leg sections in my rucksack for emergencies, such as trips to the forest or for a quick conversion back to 'longs' at peak sand fly/ mossie times.

Another benefit is that most of this style of trousers, that are available from specialist hiking/outdoor/camping stores, are made from man-made materials which dry quickly and draw perspiration (I prefer the old-fashioned word 'sweat') away from the body, helping to keep you cool.

Back at Crown Point airport, ten minutes before departure, on go the lower legs (much to the amusement of your fellow passengers) and you're ready to brave the chilly British weather, on arrival back at Gatwick.

A simple solution to that age-old problem of what to wear in the forest.

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Steve Wooler
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Post by Steve Wooler »

Hi Dave

I had, of course, already thought of Steve's suggestion, but didn't wish to appear too brilliant. :lol:

Seriously, that's a seriously good suggestion. I can highly recommend the zip-off-leg trousers made by Regatta. Have a look at http://www.outdoorgear.co.uk/eshop.asp? ... OS+TROUSER&]OutdoorGear.co.uk

In answer to your other question, it's the things that you don't see and feel that often cause more irritation than those that you do see. A good application of deterent before starting the tour should suffice - spray your clothing, not just your skin. See our Insects article (menus: Odds & Sods/Health Matters) for more information about solutions.
Last edited by Steve Wooler on Sat May 27, 2006 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Steve Wooler
myTobago.info - the definitive Visitor Guide to Tobago
Dave Guest

Post by Dave Guest »

Hi Steve and Steve,

Those trousers sound like just the ticket and the good news is that I already own a pair! I need to change them because they're a different to size to what it said on the hanger at the shop (I know, always read the label!) but that won't be a problem.

I hadn't thought of travelling in them though. That's a mighty fine idea sir and I believe I will follow that little snippet of advice :)
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Steve Wooler
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Post by Steve Wooler »

Not the size that it said on the hanger? Who do you think you're kidding, Dave? You've been at those jam donuts agains, haven't you? :lol:

I must confess that I too had never thought of travelling in them. It's always a problem travelling from a British January to mid-80s Tobago and so Steve's suggestion is a cracking idea. Mind you, I'll have to wait until all the passengers on the aircraft are asleep before slipping off the bottom sections, otherwise the glare might blind them.
Steve Wooler
myTobago.info - the definitive Visitor Guide to Tobago
John Hill

Post by John Hill »

Entering the knobble knees comp again, Would win it hands down.

With all the rain down in carib wellingtons will be the order of the day,
Yes you can hire at the entrance to the rain forest.
Alan Stalker

Post by Alan Stalker »

Probably been mentioned before, but we applied Avon Skin So Soft Bath Oil on arms and legs and never got munched at all.

OK, we may have smelled a bit weird to humans but the mozzies obviously thought we were disgusting.
Dave Guest

Post by Dave Guest »

Forgot to reply to this one before we went...

Turned out the trousers were all seconds... I tried everything up to XXL and still couldn't fasten them and I'm "only" a 34-36" waist! I found another brand in the same style that fit perfectly but were nearly £20 dearer so I bought those instead.

I didn't wear them to travel in afterall. As a married man I had to succumb to my wife's wishes for me to travel in something more stylish but I did use them for our trips to the Argyle Waterfall and the Gilpin Trace. They were perfect for the job and went well with the wellies that they gave us outside the rainforest :)

As for the mozzies... there was one that buzzed around me for a few seconds but apart from that we didn't encounter any other insects at either location and neither of us got any bites. I think the double dose of Autan did the trick.
Andreas A.

Post by Andreas A. »

We went on a hike last week, and all of the sudden the rain started crashing down (the rainforrest really lived up to its name for about 20 minutes).

Whatever you do, bring a plastic bag to put wrap your cameras in and spend 20TT to hire a couple of wellingtonboots...
We got totally soaked, but dried up after a couple of hours :)

Long trousers, t-shirt and insect-repellant was enough for us.
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