Have a waffle with Carol

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Carol Townsend
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Post by Carol Townsend »

Pardon me Sir David Alan Stanley Tomas( no H ?) Taferner- Watkins,
Kev came over yesterday afternoon when I was respectably attired, and he is a FAMILY friend! [-X
Isn't the English language wonderful? You have invented a new word; POYAP( sounds like a town in New Zealand) It will be in the Oxford English Dictionary by next year, along with the new verb to " google".
Chief Steve,
I'm rather chuffed at the idea of joining the Paul Tallett Society and having my own thread. Change the name of this one if that's what The Brethren want. I don't want a blog that can be viewed by any old Tom Dick or Harry, just the members of this rather exclusive Club ( like the Masons) :roll: and don't stop people replying, that would spoil all the fun!
So, let's negotiate Terms and Conditions. Is the cheque in the post?(what post?) :lol:
Oh, and I'd still like to say the odd thing about Tobago, possibly even under the correct headings!
Must go now, daughter is home from school. I don't want her thinking I've been on this computer all day...
Auf weidersehen
Carolnoe :wink:
Hey, new people are going to think this is my real name :shock:
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Post by GillMathews »

Thank you so much for the bed time stories you keep posting!!.
I am working nights again this week and you certainly had me in fits of giggles this morning when I came home from work and decided to catch up with the latest forum shinanigans.
I can relate to your "waiting in" predicament. Last week was a particularly bad week when everything went wrong and although it included my birthday, that too was a dreadfull day. However I was obliged to stay up after a night shift to wait for the "MAN FROM THE COUNCIL" to come and deal with a massive wasp nest in my garage. Tired and feeling crotchety I was cross in anticipation of him being late. He in fact arrived bright and early, was a very nice efficient young man with the added bonus of being very entertaining to watch from the safety of my lounge whilst he carried out his extermination in full bee keeping gear! :lol:
Now I have only to deal with the blown kitchen light bulb (which I can`t reach at all) 8-[ and getting round to replacing the microwave wich blew up on my birthday sending great clouds of black smoke everywhere :shock: . Fortunately the baked potato was already cooked to perfection! Well off to work I go again. Will be watching for the next BTS. Night night every one, sweet dreams.
Gill x
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Carol Townsend
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Post by Carol Townsend »

Evening Gill, or in your case, morning!
It sounds like I need to send my friend Kev round to your house, except that he flew off to sunnier climes today. ( Anyway, he would only lecture you about using low energy bulbs, like he did me!)
I'm so glad you mentioned The Council. You've reminded me to ask mine to come and collect our twenty - four year old, CFC filled freezer we've finally decided to dispose of.
Never let it be said we don't care about the environment. :roll:
Carolnoe :wink:
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Post by Carol Townsend »

I haven't come on line just to say this, honest, but I've just taken in a parcel from a rather handsome young West Indian postman with a lovely deep voice and a familiar sounding accent.
Quick! Pass me my pills! =P~
Carolnoe :wink: :lol:
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In your dressing gown :roll:
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Carol Townsend
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Post by Carol Townsend »

At this time of day! :shock: :shock: :shock:
David, please, you are going to destroy my reputation! I never have this trouble with my pal Bill!
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Post by Brian Taylor »

bill thinks it, david says it... I know them both..together they are trouble :lol:

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Carol Townsend
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Calling the Chief Anorak

Post by Carol Townsend »

All hail to The Chief!
You're probably thinking that I've been bored today :roll:
How do I change the title of this thread then, as you suggested recently, or does it have to be you as you have the Technology?
I don't mind what you call it;"the non- Tobago waffling forum" or something!
Mind you, you may be somewhat relieved to know that you won't be hearing much from me next week as we'll be on the High Seas, or rather the Low Canals!
Signing off now. The Tribe will be home soon.
Carolnoe :wink:
Oh, and I hope your brain's not hurting today!
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Post by Steve Wooler »

Hi Carol

You can't change the title now, but I can (Oh, the power!!!!!)

Just decide what you want to call this topic and let me know, either by positing here (or better still by clicking the email button below and letting me know direct so that I don't miss it).
Steve Wooler
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Post by Bill B »


I'm deeply, deeply, deeply wounded :? :( :wink:

I guess I'll have to go and console myself %*}


P.S. Thanks for giving me an excuse :lol:
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Post by Brian Taylor »

did not know you are so vulnerable bill... thought you came out of it smelling like a daisy compared to good old "disgusted bude"..can't hear him cry or complain... maybe he is the stronger person after all :lol:

hope to have you both here together one day :wink:

Stephanie & Brian "Alibaba" Taylor
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Carol Townsend
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They Don't Make 'Em Like That Anymore

Post by Carol Townsend »

Autmn is here. Winter is on its way. I know this because the days are getting shorter, the leaves are falling off the trees, and there was a frost last night.This has resulted in our having, reluctantly, to turn the central heating on. It has also resulted in the annual argument with Daughter about the benefits of wearing a coat when she goes to school. And the cold has made my back ache. :(

Have you ever done anything daft in your life? Like burning yourself on the steam from the kettle, or placing a stepladder too near the edge of the landing when you were attempting to get into the loft, and only stopping yourself from carreering down the stairs by wedging yourself on the stairs between the ladder and the wall? Or putting a bucket on the ground too close to the ladder where your husband is clearing the gutter, so that he comes down the ladder and puts his foot on the ladder instead of the ground, and he falls and breaks his wrist? Moral: never let me near a ladder.
Or lock yourself out? I have, twice.
We have a gate into our back garden, which we tend to keep padlocked as we don't use it that much.
A few years ago I locked myself out when I went into the front garden for some reason. Now, the back door was open, but the gate was locked, and the fence is about chin-height on me. I wouldn't even attempt to climb it.
Luckily, my neighbour's son was in. He was about eleven at the time and was thrilled at the prospect of being given permission to climb over the fence!
This he did, with the aid of another neighbour, let me in, and went home with a pound coin, feeling very pleased with himself.

Our immediate neighbours, Mr and Mrs A, are heading for eighty, and young at heart with it. They have seen our children grow up, never complained about noise, and said how much they enjoyed hearing them play in the garden. They never mind loud music, and I have been tempted( as a joke) to complain about them playing their Glenn Miller or Jim Reeves too loud! They go to Tenerife every Christmas and have a fine old time.
One day, long, long ago ( this "Summer" actually ) I had put some beetroot on the cooker to simmer when Mr A. asked me to pop in for a moment to see their new sofa. "Won't take long" I thought and left it on a low heat, grabbed my keys and went next door.
The sofa duly admired I came back and..WRONG KEYS! They were for the shed, and the tool chest!
"Now don't panic " I said, and then started flapping about, thinking of my beetroot simmering happily on the cooker. The back door was open, so I went to fetch my young Hero. Not in!! Increased flapping.
Mr A observed my flapping, and guessed what had happened. Now, he was born in an era when Men were Men and Women Were Glad Of It. A true and gallant knight.
"I'll see what I can do," he said, and before I could stop him he had marched around the back and was trying to heave himself over the fence. He is no taller than me! Luckily I managed to stop him before he had a heart attack or broke his legs.
The story has a happy ending. We enlisted the help of yet another neighbour who is a builder and somewhat younger than Mr A. He vaulted the fence, turned off the cooker and let me in.
Mr and Mrs A are quite accustomed to my loopiness. One Winter I got soaked to the skin walking the children home from school, so, thinking I was indoors for the rest of the day,changed from my jeans to my pyjama bottoms.( yellow with teddy bears). Mrs A. then asked if I could pop round and help her with something. When she saw what I was wearing...
It makes one feel good to bring joy into an elderly lady's life.
I exagerrated Mr A's age slightly. He is eighty next week and they are going on a cruise round the Med to celebrate. Good on 'em! You can't take it with you!
So Bill, there it is.
Has anyone noticed the new name of this thread?

Cheers Big Ears
Carolnoe :wink:
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Post by Brian Taylor »

same goes, Big Nose :wink:

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Post by David Watkins »

Carolnoe,of course we have! And for the guys across the pond a waffle is not a sort of breakfast cake.....a waffle in English also means rabbitting or talking of nothing consequential,but keeps people amused.(English ladies are particullarly good at at waffling...frequently having very blonde moments) 8-[
David(in fear [-o< )
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Post by Bill B »


May I be the first to compliment you on your stunning avatar :) Also many thanks for the story about your eighty year old neighbor. I can't wait for your return from your canal trip as I have a feeling, based on some of your previous posts, that you will have many hilarious tales to tell of your adventures and misadventures :shock: At least you won't have to worry about mossies and no-seeums :lol:

Can't wait to be "limin"

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Post by Bill B »


I know what you mean as I'm married to a "Blonde Moment"

Like you I'm [-o< that she doesn't see this post :lol:

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Post by Brian Taylor »

beeing blond myself, I will tell her Bill! :twisted:
only because you guys don't get what we women are "waffling" about (no matter what nationality), you think we have a blond moment... and look who's talking you two white heads... (not always a sign of wisdom...wise or senile thats the question :twisted: )
have fun carolnoe and don't loose your hat :wink: nice pic (to see what ali & me look like you have to check our website...)

enough little devil faces for today
I am a good girl again
see you soon david (watch me waffling with sharon)
and bill you should make more plans for tobago for a change and less leaf-leaping...

Stephanie & Brian "Alibaba" Taylor
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Re: Have a waffle with Carol

Post by Brian Taylor »

let's see how carolnoe will "waffle" when whe comes back and everything is different...and she was so proud to make her way around in here...
but to be honest, it just looks different on first sight. I guess we'll all live and "waffle" away... :lol:

Stephanie & Brian "Alibaba" Taylor
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Bill B
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Re: Have a waffle with Carol

Post by Bill B »


Please go easy on David and me and don't squeal :-$ :-$ When women gab it's called waffling; when men do it it's called Bull S**tting :P

Are you and Brian completely moved into your new upstairs lodging? If you are I'm sure that you will be better able to control David.

Can't wait to be "limin"

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Re: Have a waffle with Carol

Post by Brian Taylor »

yes we are upstairs since a while now... and love it! :D

I am not sure if david needs controlling...as long as I know him he was very much in control and at good behaviour... that's why I was so shocked to see the picture of him having a go with your wife... (for everyone who did not see it yet, there is luckily no nudity involved, so no need for the editor to cut out anything... :wink: )

OK, I won't tell what naughty things you do here online, but promise to be a better boy in the future, young man! [-X

Stephanie & Brian "Alibaba" Taylor
Alibaba-Tours - http://www.Alibaba-Tours.com
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