Travel sickness

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Donna Baylis
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Travel sickness

Post by Donna Baylis »

This may seem a little obvious to people very familiar with Tobago but thought it may be useful for newcomers. Every time we have visited the island and have been out and about towards the north of the island where the roads are very windy and fairly steep we have always experienced problems, with the children especially, with travel sickness. Neither of our daughters usually suffer from this and whoever has been driving, my Husband or taxi driver, have always been driving very carefully. This year we visited with some friends and their two little girls and they experienced exactly the same problem (we forgot to warn them to take their travel sickness bands!). Whilst in Castara at the side of the road a very nice local stopped to sympathise with our friends daughter and tell stories of all the people he has driven who have suffered the same.
Please do not let this put you off travelling around this beautiful island but perhaps remember to take either travel sickness bands or tablets if you think it may be a problem.
David Watkins
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Re: Travel sickness

Post by David Watkins »

Donna,it doesn't just happen to visitors or children!!!I havve seen adult locals being ill on the bus from Castara to town.
Lisa Keith
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Re: Travel sickness

Post by Lisa Keith »

Hi Donna and David,

Just to add to this thread - I'm the worlds worst traveller. I'm phobic about flying, seasick just watching the ferry coming in, and unless I'm driving, guaranteed to have to stop the car at ten minute intervals! The pharmacist at Pharmarx (in the little precinct opposite Pennysavers in Canaan) recommended Gravol, and the stuff is marvellous! I've yet to meet anyone who has had any adverse effects, it comes in childrens strength, and I generally carry some with me, just in case! It's very cheap and has come a long way from the 'Quells' that my mother used to give me (which were GUARANTEED to make me ill, despite their claims!!). It has meant that I've been able to go on boat-trips and not feel ill at the idea of it before even setting out - the stuff is great. No drowsiness, no nausea, no headache - just easy travelling! I've now seen them in several places (the pharmacy in the mall has a regular supply), so, as you say, don't let the idea of sea-sickness, car-sickness, or motion-sickness in general bother you! At the risk of sounding like a commercial, I ought to point out that these tablets should not be used by everyone, please consult your doctor before taking if you have.... whatever the long list is that make you wonder how these things are ever marketed!!

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Brian Taylor
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Re: Travel sickness

Post by Brian Taylor »

can only second that. have no trouble driving, but with the ferry especially on the way back from trinidad... a bit bumpy at times... gravol always did the trick!
Stephanie & Brian "Alibaba" Taylor
Alibaba-Tours -
Cathy Williams

Re: Travel sickness

Post by Cathy Williams »

Gravol or Dramamine are equally good and also very cheap. When I worked on one of the boats at Pidgeon Pt I would have to take one daily! Sometimes they can make you a little sleepy, just cut the dosage to half tablet. Good Luck!
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